IPCH Sports Congress 2024 rescheduled

The IPCH SEC has evaluated several date options for the 2024 Sports Congress. Due to a variety of conflicts including Sports Congresses for other sports our athletes may be involved in, AGMs for national organizations, and training weekends for national teams we have decided to postpone the IPCH Sports Congress to early January.

New Date and Time:
January 11th, 2025
14:00 to 16:00 CET
Format: Online

Given that this year’s IPCH Sports Congress is not an election year and the 2022 Sports Congress was held late in the year, this change will have little to no impact on members. Postponing will support greater attendance for a successful Sports Congress.

We will share additional information, including the full package, in the coming months. In the meantime, please mark the new date in your calendars.

Attendance Information:

  • Every nation has 1 voting delegate and 1 non-voting delegate.
  • All members are welcome to attend as observers.

Stay tuned for more information!